Make your commitment to net zero a reality
Calculate, Curb, and Offset the rest
What is a carbon footprint?
The total amount of green house gases (GHG) produced by our actions, which includes methane and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The average carbon footprint for a person living in the United States is 20 tons, one of the highest rates in the world, while globally the average footprint is 4 tons. To prevent a 2 degree rise in global temperatures the average global carbon footprint needs to drop under 2 ton by 2050.
Lowering an individuals carbon footprint from 20 tons to 2 ton may seem impossible. By offsetting your footprint with carbon credits, you are supporting projects around the globe that help reduce GHG's.
Calculate your carbon footprint
Curb your emissions
Small changes can make a big difference in the long run, for example when it comes to food, clothing, home energy, transportation, waste, etc.
The number one source of greenhouse gas emissions is carbon dioxide from transportation. One of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is reducing how much and when you travel.
Heating and cooling of your home makeup 40% of home energy use. Smart thermostats have been shown to reduce energy bills by up to 23%. This can translate to hundreds of dollars in savings a year.
Home Energy
According to the E.P.A., in 2018 Americans generated roughly 292 million tons of trash. That year, they recycled and composted 94 million tons. Equivalent to saving the same amount of energy generated by 25 million homes.