What are Carbon Credit Backed NFT's?

NFT's provide the assurance of authenticity and transparency in the carbon market.

Available on:

Purchase NFT on WAX blockchain
Opensea carbon credits for purchase

What is a carbon credit?

A carbon offset is a transferable instrument certified by governments or independent certification bodies to represent an emission reduction of one metric tonne of CO2, or an equivalent amount of other greenhouse gas (GHG). The purchaser of an offset credit can "retire" it to claim the underlying reduction towards their own GHG reduction goals.

Why Buy Carbon Credits?

Climate change is a puzzle, as with any puzzle there are multiple pieces that fit together in order to complete the picture. Reducing emissions and decarbonizing economies is urgently required, however time is running out and the technology to do so is not always available.

This is where carbon credits come in. Companies and individuals can account for their unavoidable emissions by buying carbon credits from certified activities that support community development, protect ecosystems or install efficient technology to reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere. When you purchase a carbon credit from Tree Peace, you are supporting projects that we are currently sponsoring.


Task force on scaling voluntary carbon markets

Trove Research recently issued a report calling for a major increase in demand for voluntary carbon credits, predicting the market could be worth as much as $100-$180B/year by 2030.In the past two years alone, the number of voluntary offsets sold has doubled, due to increasing interest among organizations and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint.

Direct emission reductions should be the priority of corporations, however The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets believes offsetting plays an important complementary role to accelerate climate action.

Media organizations and large corporations identified the need for increasing access and scope of the carbon credit markets.

Tree Peace provides an innovative solution to this challenge with its unique approach to the development of NFT backed carbon credits. Being we are a non-profit organization, purchasers of the NFT’s may claim a charitable contribution deduction for the excess price paid over the NFT’s fair market value. FMV is based on the market price of the carbon offsets at the time of purchase.

Voluntary Carbon Market represents only 0.2% of global GHG emissions, but demand for these credits could increase as corporations and governments work towards Net Zero initiatives in order to reduce their carbon footprint or emit less than what they take up with economic activity.

As demand for carbon credits increases, the costs of undertaking real emission reduction projects will need to rise as lower project costs are used up.

By 2030, price growth could potentially be over $100.00/tCO2e, if governments undertake lower cost projects first. Prices are expected to keep rising through 2050.


Bodies issuing Carbon Credits

oversees the registration and independent verification of projects that meet their voluntary carbon 
All voluntary offset projects require independent third-party validation and verification.  


Guidelines for regulating bodies

The GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard provides requirements and guidance for companies and other organizations preparing a GHG emissions inventory. https://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard

ISO provides guidance at the project level for the quantification, monitoring and reporting of activities intended to cause greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions or removal enhancements. It includes requirements for planning a GHG project, identifying and selecting GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) relevant to the project and baseline scenario, monitoring, quantifying, documenting and reporting GHG project performance and managing data quality.

Understanding blockchain and nfts

What is a Blockchain?

A blockchain is a record of transactions stored on a decentralized network, which is unable to be tampered with by any one entity. This ledger of transactions store data via digital tokens, aka non-fungible tokens (NFT's), secured with programmable smart contracts that certify a digital asset to be unique.

What are NFT's?

Non-fungible tokens also known as NFT's are the digital data that is stored on the blockchain. As many of us have seen, NFT's have gained attention around the sky-rocketing prices of digital art pieces on platforms like OpenSea, the technology has potential that reaches far beyond artwork. 

Carbon credit backed NFT's show a record of ownership. This provides the transparency and accountability for the carbon markets and those companies who claim to have purchased carbon credits. 

Why is Tree Peace selling NFT's?

When a person or organization purchases a carbon offset from one of the many carbon offset companies or donates to a nonprofit, they receive a PDF certificate or donation letter. Something that can easily be forged or changed. However, NFT's are different once that NFT is "minted" or "created" the information for that transaction is stored on the blockchain.

Every transaction is visible and easily searchable, showing how many carbon credits sold or donations received, and the wallet of ownership.  This increases the transparency of our nonprofit organization.  

Mint your Carbon Credit NFT today

carbon footprint calculator


Calculate Footprint

Use our carbon calculator to calculate your carbon footprint.

purchase carbon offset nfts


Purchase Carbon Offset

Click one of the NFT's below to purchase on the Tree Peace website. We accept credit card and cryptocurrency. 

mint carbon credit backed nfts


Mint NFT

You will receive an email shortly after purchasing with instructions to mint your NFT. Able to mint on Polygon, Flow, and Ethereum blockchains.

Tree Peace will retire carbon credits at the time of purchase. 

Featured in:

nft calendar carbon credit backed nfts

Secondary Markets:

Opensea NFT
Purchase NFT on WAX blockchain

Offset your ethereum carbon footprint

The carbon footprint of your ethereum wallet is comprised of the sum of transactions multiplied by an estimate on the amount of energy utilized at that time. Utilize this calculator to offset your $ETH footprint and make your project carbon neutral. 

  • Enter ETH wallet or Project address into calculator
  • Round up to the nearest tonnes (etc. 13,638kg = 14 tonnes carbon)
  • Enter the tonnes of carbon emitted (purchase with crypto or cc) 
  • Receive certificate of carbon neutrality within 24 hours 

Our friends at Offsetra created this ETH calculator

Ethereum Carbon Footprint
Ethereum Carbon Footprint

Support carbon reduction projects by offsetting your carbon footprint.

1,000kg = 1 mT of carbon emissions = 1 carbon offset.

When you purchase a carbon credit, those carbon offsets are retired with the Verra Registry. 

Name or Project name entered when checking out will be used for Certificate. Certificate will be emailed within 24 hours. Thanks for offsetting your carbon footprint!! 

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